We’re excited to announce that the American Stock Dog Registry is partnering with Trupanion, medical insurance for the life of your pet! Puppies have a knack for getting into mischief, which is why we’re excited about their Breeder Support Program for ASDR breeder members.

As a breeder, you can gain access to the following benefits:

  • Go Home Day Offer. A special offer for your buyers that provides immediate coverage upon activation.
  • Dedicated support. A dedicated Breeder Relationship Manager to provide you with one-on-one support.
  • Personalized reporting. Health insights and reporting pulled from Trupanion data, so you can promote your litters with confidence.

The program is completely free for breeders to join, and available to breeders in the US, Canada, and Puerto Rico.

What sets Trupanion apart from the pack?

We want the best for our members, and Trupanion is the best—they’re the #1 pet insurance in America according to veterinarians.*

  • They Do What They Say. With more than $2.5 billion paid in veterinary invoices, Trupanion is there to help ease the financial burden for owners when their pet gets sick or injured.
  • VetDirect Pay™. Trupanion is able to pay participating hospitals directly at the time of checkout, meaning fewer out of pocket expenses for owners.
  • Available 24/7/365. Trupanion’s Customer Care team is available 24/7 year-round—including holidays—in order to assist their members.

Ready to get started?

You can sign up for the Trupanion Breeder Support Program online. You can also call 855.266.2154 to sign up. For every breeder that’s approved to join the program, the American Stock Dog Registry receives a donation, so be sure to mention that the American Stock Dog Registry referred you!


* Source: Survey commissioned by dvm360, from 3/30-5/1/2023. Read more. Trupanion and VetDirect Pay are trademarks owned by Trupanion, Inc. Underwritten in Canada by Accelerant Insurance Company of Canada, and in the United States by American Pet Insurance Company or ZPIC Insurance Company, 6100 4th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98108. Sold and administered in Canada by Canada Pet Health Insurance Services, Inc. dba Trupanion 309-1277 Lynn Valley Road, North Vancouver, BC V7J 0A2 and in the United States by Trupanion Managers USA, Inc. (CA license No. 0G22803, NPN 9588590).  Canada Pet Health Insurance Services, Inc. is a registered damage insurance agency and claims adjuster in Quebec #603927.

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