ASDR Performance



Performance Rules

·       In order to compete in any ASDR Performance event, dogs must be registered with ASDR and must be at least 6 months or older to compete.

·       Depending on show size one or two trials may be offered at each show, this will be determined at least a week before the show.

·       If more than one trial is offered the highest of the two scores will count towards top ten standings for that show. Competitors must declare if they are entering both trials before the first trail starts. Once the first trial has started, no late entries will be accepted.

·       All dog set ups must be at least 15 feet from any course. All dogs must be crated or out of eyesight during all runs, except for the dog running and the dog that is up next. Show official will determine where “out of eyesight” is.

·       Competitors can not stand close to the ring or lean on the ring fencing while another dog is competing. This will be considered un-sportsman-like conduct and you will be asked to leave.

·       Only the dog competing is to be loose anytime during all performance events.

·       Competitors and spectators are encouraged to watch and clap when a run is over, but should be quiet while dogs are competing. Distracting dogs or competitors is considered un-sportsman-like conduct and you will be asked to leave.

·       Handlers will be warned once for a disruption (barking dog), if not quieted the dog will be dismissed from the competition.

·       Dogs cannot be left unattended on showgrounds, make sure someone is watching dogs at all times or they need to be taken with the handler.

·       Be aware of run order and be on time to all events. Dogs name and number will be called a total of three times, then will be scratched.

·       Females in heat my run, but must wear panties and will be last in the run order. It is your responsibility to inform show officials that your female is in heat at the beginning of the show.

·       No alcoholic beverages are to be consumed while the show is in progress.

·       Poor sportsmanship will not be tolerated and will be subject to Dismissal from the show. You will get no more than one warning for poor sportsmanship, depending on the offence.

·       All decisions made by the judge are final. If you have a question of the Judge ask once you have gotten your score sheet back.

ASDR Rally 

ASDR Agility 

ASDR Herding 

ASDR Scentwork 

© 2005 - 2025 American Stock Dog Registry. All rights reserved.